Monday, 20 November 2017

Nano Technology Machine

One of Mega Prestima goal back then was to have a High Pressure Processing (HPP) machine in order for us to produce product which is much better in quality and finer in texture. If u notice, we have mention quite a number of times about our long life goal - quality for our customer. We will explain briefly how this machine works and its functionality. 

HPP is one method for food processing technology and thus it is one good investment for us. Using high vacuum pressure in this machine, make it impossible for food borne viruses to activate and cultivate. And thus, we are using lesser food additive in our manufacturing process. According to NCBI Resources - High pressure processing (HPP) has emerged as a novel technology for food processing where foods can maintain their raw character and flavor. (accessed 20 Nov 2017, ) . Besides that, using this machine, we can retain product effectiveness and thus, our finished product effectiveness is much higher. 

Nano technology machine process :-

Broth tank (Broth tank - Round tank on the left) - where raw materials are combined and broth. Base on the video, they are actually prepping to transfer liquid (broth process) from Broth tank to Cooking tank (Cooking tank - Round tank on the right) . Observe Arcylic No. 7 - piping to transfer from Broth tank to Cooking tank.


Cooking tank - RO water flow through piping into this tank.


2 person is needed for the whole process. RO water insertion. One person will open the valve while the other person will measure how much is needed based on pre-lined rod. 


Raw material (multiple) insertion. Liquid juice and etc. 


All raw material completed and now setting for cooking.


Whole HPP machine / Nano technology machine / Homogenized machine - from Left to right - Broth tank, Control panel, Cooking tank, Cooling tank, Warmer tank

Adding liquid juice to cooking tank

Operator 1 Measuring water level while Operator 2 handle valve opening

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Customer Service cum Marketing

Meet Syazwani. She is responsible to greet you at Mega Prestima front door. In a manner of speaking. Hehehe.. Well she is responsible to brief, explain, the go-to person for whatever question you have in mind. Friendly, jovial and sociable is what we would describe this lovely lady. Fyi, she is still single. Go give her a contact if you have something in mind for us to develop and produce here at Mega Prestima. 06 - 794 0586. (R&D office)

And not to forget, this hotel like lounge is what await you at our " Customer Lounge ".. we promise to give you our best advice and wont regret producing and developing your own brand of product here with us.

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Yearly GMP Audit for Mega Prestima Industries

Mega Prestima had secured GMP on the year of 2013 and since then, there will be yearly GMP Audit. What is GMP? Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) is a pre-requisite program for Food Safety Management System. As a food manufacturer company, we have tried our best to follow the guideline in GMP. Basically, it outlines the minimum requirement for hygiene and processing for all food processing company. 

Nothing beats when we can bring the best out of our process in order to deliver good and high quality product. Indeed it is our mission. 

During the examination process for GMP Audit - Pn Noorhafishiah (Factory Manager) and QA Executive Cik Aleia Dalila. 

Besides document checking, the 4 officer from Jabatan Kementerian Kesihatan Negeri Sembilan, Jabatan Kesihatan Daerah Jempol, Jabatan Kesihatan Kuala Pilah and Jabatan Kesihatan Jelebu did factory checking too. The document checking is very thorough. Overall, for 2017 GMP Audit, we only have minor NCR correction. Alhamdulillah. 

I wont be going into details of GMP Audit process, enough said with it was indeed a longggg day but nevertheless in order to prove that we are the best in what we do, Bring it on!!

Thursday, 5 October 2017

HQ and R&D Office of Mega Prestima Industries Sdn Bhd

If you are looking for Mega Prestima Industries Sdn Bhd, here is the address :-

HQ - Main Office

No. 91, Jln Nilai 3/25 Kawasan Perindustrian Nilai 3, 
71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan

Tel No. 06 - 799 0779

R&D Office

No. 53&54, Jln Tiara Sentral 2,
Nilai Utama Enterprise Park, 71800 Nilai, 
Negeri Sembilan

Tel No. 06 - 794 0586

R&D Office (First Floor) cum Production (Ground Floor)

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Makmal Mikrobiologi Mega Prestima Industries Sdn Bhd

As promise, a tour to Microb Lab pulak yee.. Lets Go!!

Selain makmal R&D, Mega Prestima Industries Sdn Bhd turut menyediakan kemudahan Makmal Mikrobiologi bagi memudahkan kerja kawalan kualiti produk (Microbiology Testing/cfu count).

Makmal Mikrobiologi dilengkapi peralatan asas untuk Microbiology Testing seperti chiller, distilled water system, Bunsen burner, autoclave, laminar flow, incubator, colony counter dan peralatan asas makmal. Mega Prestima menyediakan microb lab ni spy result microb test utk produk yg kita hasilkan dpt di ketahui dgn segera. Quality Assurance always has to be on top, not to compromise any of it. 


Incubator untuk TPC Testing
Incubator untuk Yeast/Mold Count
Pembantu Makmal mengendalikan mesin Autoclave
Distilled water system untuk membekalkan distilled water
Pembantu makmal sedang membuat kerja di laminar flow. Laminar flow memastikan ruang kerja dalam keadaan sterile (bersih).

Chiller untuk menyimpan petrifilm

Colony Counter untuk cell count (TPC/Yeast and Mould)
 Gambar-gambar di bawah menunjukkan pembantu makmal sedang melakukan kerja-kerja di dalam makmal mikrobiologi.

So, TADAAA.. Ini lah makmal mikrob kita. Harapnya, moga dengan adanya makmal makmal ini, Department Reseach & Development dapat maju ke hadapan dan menghasilkan produk yg maju dan state of the art luar biasa dan berguna utk kegunaan rakyat Malaysia.

Monday, 21 August 2017

Makmal Research & Development Mega Prestima Industries Sdn Bhd

Lama dah CEO kita nak buat makmal utk Research & Development Department and finally tahun 2017 adalah tahun di mana Mega Prestima Industries merealisasikan impiannya. Ini merupakan langkah yg harus di ambil utk memastikan syarikat dapat terus berkembang maju dan bergerak ke hadapan. Always one step ahead. To be No. 1 in OEM of Nutraceutical product, leading the OEMs industries. 

Kita mula dengan makmal R&D, I'll take you for a tour. Lets Go!!

Barisan pembantu makmal R&D. Setakat ini, terdapat 4 orang pembantu makmal R&D, 2 orang ditugaskan untuk bahagian powder dan 2 orang untuk bahagian liquid secara bergilir-gilir. Pembantu makmal diberikan lab coat dan dikehendaki memakai hair net, mask dan gloves ketika bekerja.

Gambar menunjukkan pembantu makmal sedang menimbang bahan untuk produk baru. Untuk proses menimbang, makmal dilengkapi dengan penimbang (2 d.p, 3 d.p dan 4 d.p). Untuk keselesaan, makmal turut dilengkapi kerusi untuk pembantu makmal duduk ketika membuat kerja. Ruang bekerja juga lebih luas dan selesa. 

Makmal R&D tutur dilengkapi dengan mesin canggih untuk memudahkan proses pembangunan produk baru. Gambar di atas menunjukkan Vacuum Homogenizer yang digunakan untuk produk liquid. Selain itu, makmal turut dilengkapi Homogenizer biasa seperti gambar di bawah.

Untuk memudahkan kerja mengkaji Shelf Life Stability sesuatu produk, makmal R&D dilengkapi 2 buah Oven.

Makmal R&D turut dilengkapi cabinet dinding atas untuk memudahkan penyimpanan produk-produk baru. Gambar di bawah menunjukkan kesuluruhan ruang makmal R&D.

So, what do you think of our Research & Development Lab? Lab ini merupakan kebanggaan kami yg akan memacu Mega Prestima Industries terus ke hadapan. We will come up with new, latest and different kind of product for market soon!! R&D team, Mega Prestima bergantung kpd anda.

Dah habis tour lab dah. Nak tgk 1 lagi lab tak? Hehe.. 


Thursday, 29 December 2016

2016 you vs 2017 you ~

Almost year end now.. we are reaching the end for year 2016. Lagi 1 hari je nak masuk 2017. So, what did you achieve this year? and what is your lookout / changes / resolution (azam) for next year?

Pihak pengurusan Mega Prestima mengadakan pembentangan penambahbaikan bagi tahun 2017 utk semua department pada 2 minggu lepas. Terdapat banyak pengajaran dan pembelajaran sepanjang tempoh pembentangan tempohari. Jadi, eksekutif yg terlibat, apakah perasaan anda selepas selesai pembentangan?

Apa yg dapat saya simpulkan dpd Departmental presentation tersebut adalah, tahun 2017 adlh tahun yg mencabar bagi Mega Prestima krn kita akan berkembang maju. Spt yg selalu kita semua katakan, membawa Mega Prestima terbang ke angkasaaaa!! Selaras dgn ketinggian 'angksa' maka attitude dan work efficiency kita juga perlu selari dgn Vission Mega Prestima. Kita patut komited dalam menjayakan keberadaan syarikat spt yg En Yusoff (General Manager) katakan. Apakah Visi Mega Prestima? Menjadi No. 1 Leading OEM in the industry..

Dalam ucapan Penggulungan En Yusoff ada menyebut tentang mengorak langkah dengan pantas dan berdaya saing, kita perlu mempunyai matlamat dan hala tuju yg jelas. Dato' Faisal telah pun menetapkan hala tuju tersebut untuk Mega Prestima, maka kita sbg anggota yg mendukung operasi harus komited dalam kerja serta PDCA (Plan Do Check Action) yg biasa ditekankan oleh Dato' Faisal di amalkan dan di laksanakan. Bukan sekadar Plan di atas kertas dan di tidak di sampaikan kpd orang bawahan.

Selain dpd itu, Dato' Faisal menekankan efficiency in works. Semua orang harus perbaiki bagaimana kita melaksanakan kerja utk mencapai matlamat dan Misi Mega Prestima. Renung pd diri, apakah motivasi anda utk melaksanakan kerja anda? What could be your Drive so that you can achieve your goals for Mega Prestima for 2017.

Jangan berazam utk kurus pada setiap awal tahun dan setiap tahun azam utk kurus hanya di renew di bawa ke tahun akan datang. Jika kita tetap terus sebegitu, maka kita tidak akan berkembang sedangkan Mega Prestima perlu berkembang maju. Spt yg di perkatakan Pn Fisha pd ucapan penutup 2016, teguran yg telah di berikan, terima dgn hati yg terbuka dan mulakan tahun 2017 dgn jati diri yg baru. Ye Aku akan berubah, aku akan melakukan kerja dgn sebaik mungkin, aku akan mengikut peraturan Mega Prestima, aku tidak akan main2, aku ingin maju di dalam hidup..

Changes is necessary though changes is hard for most of us. But in order to developed, we had to change. Akhir kata, tepuk dada, tanya diri apa yg anda mahukan pada tahun 2017 nanti..